1. X. Zeng, Y. Yan, X. Qian, Y. Wang and J. Zhang, Mass flow rate measurement of pneumatically conveyed solids in a square-shaped pipe through multi-sensor fusion and data-driven modelling, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 72, Art. no. 7508012, 2023.
2. Y. Hu, J. Wang, Y. Li and Y. Yan, Localization of charged objects using a planar electrostatic sensor array, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 72, Art. no. 9514405, 2023.
3. G. Guo, Y. Yan, W. Zhang, Y. Hu and G. Fu, Measurement of moisture distribution in a biomass silo through electrical capacitance tomography, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 72, Art. no. 3535810, 2023.
4. Y. Wang, X. Qian, L. Wang and Y. Yan, Measurement of cross-sectional velocity distribution of pneumatically conveyed particles in a square-shaped pipe through gaussian process regression-assisted non-restrictive electrostatic sensing, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 72, Art. no. 2504411, 2023.
5. W. Xu, Y. Yan, X. Huang and Y. Hu, Quantitative measurement of the stability of a pulverized coal fired flame through digital image processing and statistical analysis, Measurement, vol. 206, Art. no. 112328, 2023.
6. W. Zhang, Z. Zhu and Y. Geng, Simultaneous conductivity and permeability reconstructions for electromagnetic tomography using deep learning, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 72, Art. no. 4503211, 2023.
7. J. Lei and X.Wang, Transfer learning-driven inversion method for the imaging problem in electrical capacitance tomography, vol. 227, Art. no. 120277, 2023.
8. 杨元清, 王昕, 吴真, 胡永辉, 基于静电传感器阵列和位置指纹的绳状流定位方法研究[J]. 仪表技术与传感器, 2023, 7: 93-98.
9. 白晓静, 谢雅祺, 吴华, 张文彪, 谈元鹏, 叶玲玲, 基于局部特征深度信息的绝缘子小样本缺陷检测[J]. 电网技术, 2023, 106: 92-97.