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钱相臣(Xiangchen Qian)

1.    个人资料




通讯地址:北京市昌平区华北电力大学控制与计算机工程学院 主楼E0612



2.    工作学习经历

2018/01   ,华北电力大学,控制与计算机工程学院,副教授



2018/10 – 2019/10伦敦大学学院(UCL,能源系统研究团队,访问学者

2017/09 – 2017/12马拉达伦大学,未来能源研究中心,访问学者


2008/02 – 2012/10英国肯特大学工程与电子艺术学院电子工程 哲学博士

2005/09 – 2007/06,天津大学,电气与自动化工程学院,工学硕士

2000/09 – 2004/06,天津理工大学,自动化学院,工学学士

3.    主要研究方向

(1) 气固多相流参数检测技术

(2) 燃烧火焰状态监测

(3) 智能仪表与先进测量系统

(4) 固体氧化物燃料电池SOFC)系统检测

4.    主要科研(人才)项目







(7)2008/01–2010/12英国煤炭利用基金(BCURA)项目Dynamics and Movement Behaviours of Biomass/Coal Flow主要完成人,结题


5.    代表性论著、学术著作



[1]Xiangchen Qian, Yong Yan*, Xiaobin Huang and Yonghui Hu, Measurement of the mass flow and velocity distributions of pulverized fuel in primary air pipes using electrostatic sensing techniques, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 66(5): 944–952, 2017.

[2]Xiangchen Qian*, Dengpeng Shi and Yong Yan, Effects of moisture content on electrostatic sensing based mass flow measurement of pneumatically conveyed particles, Powder Technology, 311(8): 579–588, 2017.

[3]Xiangchen Qian, Yong Yan*, Lijuan Wang and Jiaqing Shao, An integrated multi-channel electrostatic sensing and digital imaging system for the on-line measurement of biomass–coal particles in fuel injection pipelines, Fuel, 151(7): 210, 2015.

[4]Xiangchen Qian, Xiaobin Huang, Yonghui Hu and Yong Yan*, Pulverized coal flow metering on a full-scale power plant using electrostatic sensor arrays, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 40(12): 185191, 2014.

[5]Xiangchen Qian, Yong Yan*, Jiaqing Shao, Lijuan Wang, Hao Zhou and Chao Wang, Quantitative characterization of pulverised coal and biomass-coal blends in pneumatic conveying pipelines using electrostatic sensor arrays and data fusion techniques, Measurement Science and Technology, 23(8): 085307, 2012.

[6]Xiangchen Qian and Yong Yan*, Flow measurement of biomass and blended biomass fuels in pneumatic conveying pipelines using electrostatic sensor-arrays, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 61(5): 13431352, 2012.

[7]Shuai Zhang, Yong Yan*, Xiangchen Qian, Rong Huang and Yonghui Hu, Homogenization of the spatial sensitivity of electrostatic sensors for the flow measurement of pneumatically conveyed solids in a square-shaped pipe, IEEE Sensors Journal, 17(22): 7516–7525, 2017.

[8]Hao Zhou*, Yu Yang, Kang Dong, Jianbo Wu, Yong Yan, Xiangchen Qian and Kefa Cen, Investigation of two-phase flow mixing mechanism of a swirl burner using an electrostatic sensor array system, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 32(8): 14–26, 2013.

[9]Sreenivasa Rao Gubba*, Derek B Ingham, Kristofer Larsen, Lin Ma, Mohamed Pourkashanian, Xiangchen Qian, Alan Williams and Yong Yan, Investigations of the transportation characteristics of biomass fuel particles in a horizontal pipeline through CFD modelling and experimental measurement, Biomass & Bioenergy, 46(11): 492510, 2012.





(4)  基于静电传感器阵列和数据融合的转速测量装置及方法发明专利ZL201210344496.5.





6.    主要讲授课程

(1) 控制装置与系统(本科生)

(2) 物联网工程专业英语(本科生)

(3) 科研方法论(硕士生)

(4) 非侵入式测量与可视化方法(博士生)

7.    主要学术奖励荣誉

(1) 2016/05 Best Paper Award (First Place), Xiangchen Qian, Xiaobin Huang, Yonghui Hu, Yong Yan, “Measurement of the mass flow distribution of pulverized coal in primary air pipes using electrostatic sensing techniques, IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Society, IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), Taipei.

(2) 20082010英国科学教育部海外研究生基金计划奖学金(ORSAS,肯特大学每年3人)

(3) 2011 英国煤炭研究学会FERF国际会议旅行奖学金

8.    其他(社会兼职等):

(1) 国际电气电子工程师学会 会员(IEEEMember

(2) 英国电子技术学会 会员(IETMember